Tuberculosis Centre

Tuberculosis Centre2019-03-15T12:31:45+00:00

Tuberculosis (TB) is commonly known as a lung disease, but it can affect any part of the body. Tuberculosis is caused by a bacterium which slowly destroys the tissue of the lungs – this is called pulmonary tuberculosis. Only TB of the lungs or throat can be (but are not always) infectious. All forms of TB are curable without lasting health implications if they are diagnosed and treated early enough.


TB is (still) the top infectious killer worldwide, with 22,000 South Africans dying of TB in 2017. TB can be prevent and treated. Let’s spread the word and not the disease.

Confronting Tuberculosis

Myth: Only poor people get TB! Fact: Tb can affect anyone Myth: TB is not curable Fact: TB is treatable and curable with effective treatment and duration TB is only [...]

TB Risk Assessment

It is World TB Day on 24 March and we care about your health and wellness. Do you think you, or a friend, may have TB? Ask yourself these [...]

World Tuberculosis Day

On 24 March we observe World Tuberculosis Day, which places the spotlight on this curable and preventable disease. Below is a list of some of the important  facts about TB: [...]

Treating TB with the DOT System

DOT, or Directly Observed Therapy, is a system used to help treat patients with active Tuberculosis (TB). The DOT system helps people to stick to the correct schedule for taking [...]

Tuberculosis (TB) FAQs

These are the most frequently asked questions about tuberculosis. Question: What is tuberculosis? Answer: Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious disease that affects the lungs but may attack other parts [...]

FAQs about tuberculosis (TB)

These are the most frequently asked questions about tuberculosis. Question: What is tuberculosis? Answer: Tuberculosis (TB) is a chronic infectious disease that affects the lungs but may attack other parts [...]

Tuberculosis in SA

Tuberculosis (TB) has been present in humans since antiquity. It has been found in the spines of Egyptian mummies dating from 3000 to 2400 BC and in prehistoric human skeletal [...]

DOT for TB treatment

When treating persons with active TB disease, our country has adopted a system called DOT, which stands for directly observed therapy. This system helps TB patients to comply with the [...]

Recognise tuberculosis

Tuberculosis (TB) is commonly known as a lung disease, but it can affect any part of the body. The bacteria are breathed in through the lungs, but can travel in [...]

World Tuberculosis Day

World Tuberculosis Day, falling on March 24 each year, is designed to promote public awareness that tuberculosis today remains an epidemic worldwide, causing the deaths of about 1.4 million people [...]

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