With the global reach of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is now more important than ever for those who are living with HIV or TB to adhere rigidly to their ART or TB treatment.
People who are most vulnerable to life-threatening complications are those who are immune-compromised. It is very important for people to know their HIV status and if they are at risk for active TB. Those who are on treatment for these conditions, would have an advantage over those who simply don’t know, or neglect taking their treatment.
We don’t want to add to the load in the healthcare system, but if you are going for a flu vaccination, ask if you can be screened for HIV (antibodies) and TB (symptoms).
Here is a story which explains why.
Imagine that, for a long time, you have been fighting a deadly duel with an opponent called Higgins. You are quite evenly matched. Initially, Higgins attacked strongly, but you quickly found ways to counter his attacks and suppress him. But he hid so that you could not finish him off completely and he continued to niggle and attack you. You are now exhausted and it has become increasingly difficult to suppress the relentless attacks by Higgins.
Suddenly an energetic, fresh opponent joins Higgins in attacking you. An opponent with different weapons and tactics that you know nothing about.
What chance do you have against both of them?
The new opponent is COVID-19. Higgins is HIV, and this is the situation you could face if you are living with HIV (or TB) and you are not getting effective treatment.
However, if you are taking ARVs as prescribed and they are working, this is like having a tough co-fighter with you, who wrestles Higgins to the ground and sits on him so he cannot move. HIV is suppressed to undetectable levels, freeing your body’s immune system to rebuild the strength it needs to fend off an attack by the coronavirus and other infections.
So, make certain that you have, and take, the ARVs / TB-treatment medicine you need throughout this COVID-19 crisis. This discipline will give you a better chance of surviving coronavirus infection.
If you are HIV positive, enrol on an HIV Disease Management programme through your medical scheme provider.
Contact LifeAssist for health coaching and advice.
Source: Inspire Wellness: Bridges of Hope Training: 15 April 2020