November Newsletter 2022

November Newsletter 20222022-10-31T06:52:03+00:00

November Newsletter

What can Men do to end Violence against Women?

Speak out. Silence upholds violence. Call out male friends or colleagues on any abusive behaviour and report them.

Educate yourself. Listen to and learn from the stories from the women around you. Take them seriously and believe them.

Teach your children. Explain to them that if a woman says “No”, it means “No” and “Stop” means “Stop”.

Be a role model. Show the boys in your life that being a man means treating women with respect and kindness.

Ask how you can help. If you suspect that a woman is being abused or assaulted, offer practical support.

If you are abusing others in any way, stop and seek professional help immediately. Call LifeAssist and they will call you back –  to speak to a professional counsellor at no cost to you. This support service is 100% confidential.


Recovering from an abusive relationship

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