Annually, Mandela Day on 18 July reminds us to honour the humanitarian legacy of our former President. Despite COVID-19 social distancing protocols this year, we can still be of service to our communities.
Virtual Volunteer
Those who are most vulnerable are in greater need than ever so visit your favourite charity’s website and explore opportunities to give your time and skills online. Access to a phone, computer or cooking facilities can be of immense value.
Reputable charities are also in dire need of financial support and supplies. Contribute where you can and/or help us collect non-perishables for the needy at selected Checkers stores.
Foster a homeless pet
Love animals? Consider fostering or adopting a pet from shelters such as the SPCA or TEARS who are desperately under-resourced at the moment.
Give blood
If you’re in good health, donating blood is a great way to support your community. Visit or phone 0800 119 031 for virus-safe options.
Share your knowledge
If you have the time, consider offering free consultations or mentorship in your area of expertise.
Local is lekker
The temporary closure of restaurants, hairdressers, gyms, and other non-essential businesses has caused immense hardship. Consider buying a take-away meal, coffee, or gift card from these suppliers to be used later. Share offers via social media.
Connect online
Phone or Zoom to check in on those in your circle, especially the elderly, sickly or single parents. A friendly online chat and an offer to shop or run an errand can make a huge difference to someone who is struggling.
The little things
Patience with mistakes, encouragement, prayers, a thank you note, home-made cookies, a dollop of compassion or listening without judgement can brighten a day, and leave you, the giver, feeling blessed. Make every day a Mandela Day.
Be passionate. Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do. ~ Nelson Mandela
Author: Dr Juliette MacLiam