Dealing with a big change in your life can be challenging, as your everyday routine is disrupted and your sense of security is shaken. Here are some tips on adapting to change in a healthy way, for anyone facing a big upheaval – this could mean moving to a new city, changing jobs, or ending a relationship. Just remember that immediately after a big change, you should not make any hasty decisions as they tend to be informed by negative emotion and can often be harmful choices. Wait a while before making any BIG decisions.
Accept the Change and Reframe Your Thinking
Sometimes changes take place in our lives that are beyond our control. Instead of fighting a losing battle against an inevitable change, it’s helpful to accept that there are some things you can’t control, and get comfortable with that idea. Next, reframe the way you’re thinking about the upcoming change. Instead of a crisis or a setback, look at it as an opportunity to grow and learn.
Look for the Positives
List the pros and cons of the change, and focus on the positive aspects of the situation. Perhaps your new job is scary and intimidating, but the pay is better than your last job, or the commute is shorter. Some positives are less obvious than others, so keep looking until you find the bright side – focusing on the pros can help you manage the change with a calmer mind-set.
Manage Your Stress Levels
Getting proactive about stress management will make it easier to cope with and adapt to an upcoming change. Look after yourself carefully during times of stress. That means following a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, getting enough rest and taking time to relax or meditate.
Look for Support
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by a big change, don’t go through it alone. Communicate with your friends, family or co-workers. Seek out a support group. In especially serious cases, reach out to a professional counsellor. Getting the emotional support that you need will help you to tackle change successfully.
Change can be frightening, but it can also present an exciting opportunity to experience new things!
5 Tips for Adapting to Change. Retrieved from:
7 Tips for Dealing with Change. Retrieved from: