What do we mean when we talk about the “glass ceiling”? The term is a metaphor for the invisible barriers that prevent many women from advancing up the corporate ladder, especially into management and executive positions. While the professional world has seen a lot of progress in recent years, the glass ceiling still represents a major obstacle to many women in the workplace.

Here are some tips for women looking to advance in their careers, improve their confidence, and break through the barriers to achievement in the workplace.

Advocate for Yourself

While women are often good at negotiating on behalf of others, many don’t do the same for themselves. Women typically don’t ask for “more”, be it pay or perks. It’s important for women to know their worth and negotiate for better compensation.

First, know your facts. Research the average pay of your position and make sure you are earning what your job is worth, and what you are worth. This will help you to go into any salary discussion feeling well-prepared.

It also pays to think beyond salary and look at other perks that may be fitting for your position. These might include travel allowances, medical benefits or the option of flexible working.

Balance your Skillset

It’s vital to focus on building a balance of “hard skills” (finance, analytics, technical skills, strategy, etc.) and “soft skills” (communication, attitude, time management, teamwork, etc.). As a woman, don’t resist getting to grips with the more “technical” aspects of the job.

Make Yourself Heard

Many women choose not to speak out, for fear of appearing disagreeable. However, leadership and management positions require confidence and the willingness to make yourself heard. Don’t shy away from speaking and presentation opportunities when they present themselves.

Conflict is uncomfortable, and we all prefer to avoid it. However, many women are skilled communicators and mediators, which means that speaking up can often lead teams to a better place than keeping quiet and avoiding a discussion altogether. Be respectful and professional in the way you communicate, but don’t be afraid to assert yourself.

Pace Yourself

Don’t try to do too much all at once; a career takes time to build. Clearly define what your priorities are, and what achievements you want to work towards. Set a realistic timeline for yourself to work within. Remember, an effective goal should be a SMART goal – that is, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound.

It’s common for fear of failure to hold people back from pursuing their professional dreams. After you set your goals, it’s okay to start small, as long as you’re headed in the right direction. Smashing the glass ceiling might not happen overnight, but with the right skills and attitude, it can be done!



Six Hard Truths for Women regarding the Glass Ceiling. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/terinaallen/2018/08/25/six-6-hard-truths-for-women-regarding-that-glass-ceiling/#456d8985427f