The festive season is coming up, and many people are planning road trips and long drives to their holiday destinations. This means the roads will be busier than usual, and the risk of accidents and collisions is higher. For your own protection, as well as that of your passengers and fellow motorists, it’s important to follow these smart road safety tips.

Inspect and Service Your Car

Get your car checked out before you get on the road. Make sure that the tyres are not worn, the lights are all working, the oil, water and petrol levels are adequate, and there are no potential hazards that could make your car unsafe to drive, especially on an extended trip. You might need to get a service done on your vehicle before you go, so be sure to do this in good time so you don’t have to delay your travels.

Safety checks apply to vehicles like trailers and caravans too!

It’s also important to make sure your driver’s license and vehicle registration are in order.

Secure Your Passengers and Luggage

Make sure all your passengers have safety belts, and children’s car seats if needed. Wear your safety belt at all times, and insist that your passengers wear theirs as well.

Pack your luggage away securely, so that nothing obstructs your view from your rear-view mirror.

Top Up Regularly

Look at your route and find out where the petrol stations are along the way. Know how many kilometres you will be able to go with a full tank of fuel, and plan your stops so you can top up on petrol regularly, as well as check your oil and water. Always top up or fill up before the fuel light in your car comes on.

Avoid Fatigue

Overtired drivers cause accidents. Make sure you get a good night’s rest before a long drive, and take regular breaks along the way to make sure you don’t get drowsy and lose your concentration on the road. Share the drive if possible, or split your journey up so you can sleep in a hotel or motel overnight.

Be Prepared for an Emergency

Make sure your roadside emergency kit is well stocked, just in case your car breaks down during your trip. Make sure you have the following items handy:

  • Charged cell phone
  • List of emergency numbers
  • First aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Jumper cables
  • Jack
  • Basic repair tools
  • Warning triangles
  • White flag
  • Map

Be a Responsible Driver

Always obey the rules of the road, to keep yourself and your passengers safe. Do not exceed the speed limit. Maintain a safe following distance (a 3-second gap) at all times. Never drink and drive. Be extra cautious when driving at night or in adverse weather conditions.

Overall, take things slowly, enjoy the journey and be courteous to other motorists – follow these smart road safety tips and you’ll arrive at your destination feeling relaxed and ready to enjoy a well-deserved break!



Road Safety Tips for the Festive Season. Retrieved from: