We all get a bit frazzled during the work day from time to time. But bringing that work stress home from the office and into your family’s space won’t do you or your loved ones any good. Here are some helpful ways to leave work stress at work, and enjoy your downtime.
End the Work Day Positively
It helps to leave things on a good note at the office. Tie up any loose ends, so you won’t be left worrying about unfinished tasks after hours. Look over your schedule for the next day, and make a note of any meetings or calls that are lined up, so you feel prepared.
If there is something you can take care of quickly before you leave, don’t leave it hanging over you until the next day. Talk to that colleague you’ve been meaning to check in with or send that email that’s been in your Drafts folder all day.
Finish up by tidying your workspace, and saying a polite goodbye to your colleagues. You’ll leave the office feeling calmer, and more ready to “switch off”.
Digitally Disconnect
Speaking of switching off, it helps to disconnect when you get home. Shut off your smartphone or put it in airplane mode – or if you really must keep it on, switch off your work-related email and text alerts.
Don’t check your phone before going to bed, and don’t open your laptop in the evenings to answer your mails. Make yourself unavailable for work outside of office hours, so you can be truly present with your family and friends.
Use your Commute Wisely
The drive home is a good chance to unwind. Listen to your favourite music, take a few deep breaths and, if possible, use a route with low traffic. If your route home is very busy, take some time to go to gym or have a coffee break (away from the office) before you get on the road.
It’s true what they say about “all work and no play” – a life without fun and relaxation will get really dull! When you learn how to leave daily work stress at the office where it belongs, you’ll be able to enjoy a more restful and refreshing evening at home.
How to shut down your work stress after you leave the office. Retrieved from: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/24/how-to-leave-work-at-the-office_n_6016360.html
14 things you should do at the end of every work day. Retrieved from: https://www.forbes.com/sites/jacquelynsmith/2012/08/28/14-things-you-should-do-at-the-end-of-every-work-day/#630257b52ae2
Four ways to leave work at work. Retrieved from: https://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2012/03/14/4-ways-to-leave-work-at-work