The 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence campaign will run from 25 November to 10 December this year. The theme for 2018 is Orange the World: #HearMeToo.

16 Days of Activism focuses mainly on protecting women and children in their homes and communities. However, it’s important to remember that harassment, violence and discrimination in the workplace is also part of the bigger issue. Here are some great ways to promote awareness and encourage positive change in your work environment.

Spreading Awareness in the Workplace

  • Create an in-office display with posters, flyers and other educational material to promote awareness of the 16 Days campaign and the issues it addresses.
  • Arrange for a guest speaker to come and talk to your team about what it means to build a safe and non-discriminatory workspace.
  • Encourage everyone in the office to buy and wear a white ribbon to show their support for the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November.
  • Organise an “orange the office” day, encouraging your team to wear orange (the campaign’s official colour) to work. You can also encourage your team to exchange orange-themed gifts and goodies, such as flowers and baked goods.
  • Contact a local charity that works to uplift women or protect children. Arrange for your team to spend time volunteering for this charity. This might include help with painting or construction on their site, or help with marketing and website work, depending on the nature of your company.
  • Initiate a fund-raising or team-building event like a ball game, games evening or bake sale. Donate the money raised to a charity that supports women and children.
  • Write up a company pledge that states your business’ stance against gender-based violence, discrimination and harassment. Have your team members sign the pledge, and display it in the office and on your company website.
  • Tell your colleagues about the Employee Wellbeing Programme that is in place through LifeAssist. More information on the programme can be found on the homepage – or by downloading the EAP booklet.

Be part of the solution, and use the 16 Days of Activism to promote the creation of a positive workplace culture that uplifts women and protects everyone’s human rights.



SA Government – 16 Days of Activism. Retrieved from:
UN Women – 16 Days of Activism. Retrieved from: