When you planned your pregnancy, you may have imagined attending antenatal classes, having your dream baby shower, and giving birth with your partner in the room.

Being pregnant in a pandemic most probably wasn’t part of the plan…

The disruption and uncertainty caused Covid-19 may have led to extra stress, which isn’t good for you or your baby. Here are some tips to assist you to reduce any possible stress you may be feeling in this regard:-

  • Don’t skip your medical and or antenatal appointments – they are essential. Your healthcare provider will give you all the information you need ahead of time to protect yourself and your baby.
  • Eat well, exercise regularly and get enough rest. Taking care of the basics not only helps to reduce stress but can also prevent complications further down the line.
  • Get accurate information about how the virus impacts pregnant women from your doctor or reliable organisations like WHO or NICD. Social Media is not always a reliable source for medical information!
  • Join a virtual community of expectant mothers for support and to connect with women who understand what you are going through.
  • Ask for help. Reaching out to your support network is more important now than ever before to reduce the effects of stress.
  • Instead of worrying about what is not going according to plan, focus on what you can control and make new plans based on the situation you find yourself in.
  • Focus on the positive, not the negative, this should still be an exciting time for you and your baby!
  • If you are experiencing significant mental distress, contact LifeAssist to arrange counselling. You don’t need to face this alone.



