Don’t turn a blind eye. If you are being abused or suspect that someone you know is being abused, speak out and call your Employee Wellbeing partner, LifeAssist.

Physical abuse includes:

  • slapping, punching, hitting, kicking, shoving, scratching, biting, throwing things at you.
  • threatening or attacking you
  • locking you in or out of the house or abandoning you in a dangerous place
  • refusing to help you when you are injured, sick or pregnant

Sexual abuse includes:

  • making you wear clothes or do sexual things that make you uncomfortable
  • pressuring or forcing you to perform sexual acts that you do not want to do
  • forcing you to have sex when you do not want to; raping you or threatening to rape you
  • forcing you to have sex with other people

Emotional abuse includes:

  • insulting you
  • making you feel stupid or worthless
  • ridiculing your beliefs
  • humiliating you in public or private
  • ignoring you
  • intimidating or harassing you
  • being overly jealous or possessive
  • accusing you of infidelity without good reason
  • isolating you from your family and friends
  • preventing you from going to work or school
  • attacking your children or your pets
  • threatening to kill you or to leave you or throw you out
  • threatening to kill himself or go mad if you leave or don’t do what he wants

Financial or material abuse includes:

  • taking or spending your money
  • preventing you from having a job
  • taking or destroying your possessions
  • spending most of the money on himself or giving you a very small allowance
  • expecting you to account for every cent or do more with the money than is possible
  • refusing to give you information about your joint financial situation

