Often medical expenses are out of your control. From minor mishaps that need a visit to the GP to major crises that require urgent and on-going hospital treatment, the expenses can pile up quickly and create unmanageable debt before you know it. What we do know is that whether you are fit and healthy or living with a chronic condition you will need medical treatment at one time or another. Planning ahead will help you to manage these expenses when the time comes without going into debt that takes years to pay off.
- If you can afford one, get some form of private health insurance cover or medical aid. Speak to a broker and or financial planner to gather as much information as you can before choosing a cover that suits your needs. It’s worthwhile making sacrifices in other areas so that you can afford one.
- Understand exactly how your health insurance and or medical aid plan works as well as what benefits are available to you. Remembering that just because the benefits are available on your plan doesn’t mean you automatically get them. Often you have to apply or request them.
- Negotiate your bills. Often treatment providers are willing to give discounts or preferential rates based on your circumstances. It doesn’t hurt to ask!
- Even if you have private health insurance and or medical aid plan, the bills remain 100% your responsibility. After a procedure, double check that all bills have been sent to your health insurer, medical aid as well as yourself, to avoid being surprised with a call by a debt collector for a bill that you didn’t even know existed.
- If you get a medical bill that you can’t afford, contact the treatment provider immediately to arrange a payment plan. It won’t go away if you ignore it and you can avoid paying unnecessary interest.
- Consider starting a medical savings account that can be used for unexpected bills.
- If you don’t understand items on your bill, query it.