Whether you work at a business, manage it, or own it, one of your goals should be to prevent injury at work.

Here are some things we can do to ensure that no one gets hurt while at work:

  • If you see a dangerous situation, don’t leave it for someone else to notice. Safety is everyone’s business.
  • Schedule a few minutes regularly to check your work area (a mobile phone alarm can be a reminder of this task).
  • Think about your environment. It’s not just factory work that exposes you to hazards such as dust, chemicals, noise and heat; offices and homes have them too.
  • Use (well-maintained) labour-saving equipment for lifting or moving heavy and awkward things, or performing regular tasks.
  • Add variety to what you or your employees do. Monotony and boredom are the enemies of quality and productivity as well as safety.
  • Don’t forget to take a break. Regular short rests help to keep productivity and work quality high and accident levels low. In the long term, don’t think of regular days off and vacations as a luxury, they help to avoid burn out, fatigue and exhaustion.
  • Know your responsibilities for maintaining a safe and healthy workplace.
  • Ask questions about workplace safety and health.