This has become the universally recognised slogan for sustainable natural resources. It is interesting to know that water is always recycled; it is never renewed. The water we drink today is the same water the dinosaurs drank!

Walking more lightly on the earth is as simple as thinking twice – and giving a little more than we take. Try these steps during winter time:

    • Insulation. When you close gaps under doors and around windows, temperature control in your home is a lot easier. In winter, don’t try to warm up vast spaces. Move your winter living to smaller rooms. Draw the curtains as soon as the sun sets to keep in some of the warmth.
    • Geyser savvy. Install a timer on the geyser and buy a geyser blanket. In this way you can save up to 25% on electricity consumption.
    • Rainwater and grey water collection. Invest in a collection tank and a system for reusing grey water. In the meantime, put a brick in the toilet cistern, turn off taps, fix leaks and mulch the garden.
    • Compost. Even the smallest garden benefits from a compost bin. They are available in a range of sizes and designs from garden centres and hardware stores. Make your own compost from garden cuttings and uncooked vegetable waste from the kitchen. Add teabags, coffee grounds and shredded newspaper. Turn the contents over every three weeks and in no time you’ll have rich, black compost.
    • Walk or cycle shorter distances. The exercise does you good, your connection with your own environment gets stronger and you save petrol, along with the planet.



Shopper’s Friend, June 2012