Although we are not currently experiencing load shedding, electricity is in scarce supply in our country and calls are made to help conserve energy.

You can do your bit by taking note of and where possible implementing the following:

    • A microwave cooks quicker and cheaper than an oven. One oven uses the same power as 18 microwaves.
    • Always put a full load of washing in the washing machine and, when the weather is good, dry the clothes on the line outside. The same goes for a dishwasher; only start it once fully loaded.
    • When a fridge door is opened for more than a moment, it loses cold air. Cooling it down again takes a lot of electricity. Therefore, don’t open the door unnecessarily and, when open, take what you need and close the door immediately. Also, let food cool down before storing it in the fridge.
    • Make the best use of daylight hours. In most homes, lighting accounts for approximately 17 to 20% of the electricity bill. A lot of electricity can be saved by replacing conventional bulbs with energy saving ones, which are more expensive but last longer. Fit lower wattage bulbs wherever possible and use one large light bulb instead of a few small ones. One 100-watt light bulb uses less energy and gives off more light than two 60-watt bulbs. Make sure that all lights not needed are turned off, including the outdoor ones.
    • Switch off all appliances, such as the TV, when not in use. Standby mode can use up to 50% of the power of normal use.
    • Shower instead of running a bath, as a shower uses much less water and, therefore, less hot water and less electricity.
    • Use a geyser blanket to insulate the geyser and prevent the heat to escape. To save even further, insulate the water pipes and turn the geyser’s thermostat down to 60°C.
    • Fix any dripping taps, especially hot water taps.
    • Use ceiling fans instead of air conditioning. Ceiling fans use much less electricity.
    • Plant trees in your yard because they help shade your house in the summer. In winter, trees break cold wind before it reaches your house.



Energy efficient hints and tips. Retrieved from
Smart power tips. Retrieved from


(Revised by M van Deventer)