Have you lost touch with your own needs while you spend days dancing around the needs of others? Life should be savoured, not endured. It’s time to take stock of who’s in control of your time and energy!
To be fulfilled, we need a healthy balance between dancing to our own drum and meeting the demands of others. Yet most of us function only in terms of what we should or have to do instead of what we want to do. We’ve either lost touch with our needs and desires or we feel guilty about them, especially if they’re in conflict with the needs of others.
Women have traditionally been raised to be the nurturers and caregivers and to place their needs at the bottom of the list. No wonder so many women suffer from psychosomatic symptoms such as lower back pain, migraine, spastic colon, or appetite, sleep and sexual problems. This is the body’s way of telling us something’s wrong.
The first step in regaining control of your time and energy is to stop finding fault. By doing so, you render yourself powerless. While you can’t change others, luck or fate, you can change how you respond to them. Aim for a win-win situation, that is, my needs are important but so are yours. You’ll be amazed at how people will start to respect you because you’ll come across with a sense of authenticity.
If you’re not in control of your life, now’s the time to take action. Forget about ‘one day’ when the future is today. While “it’s more blessed to give than receive” is true, people who give to others without knowing how to get anything back may end up with nothing. Don’t be a victim or a martyr, be assertive (not aggressive). When it comes to your time and your energy, remember that it’s quite alright to state your case calmly and considerately. In fact, it’s essential.