Waist circumference measurements and body mass index (BMI) are used by health care providers to assess a persons’ risk of developing health problems. The location of fat on the body are indicative of future health problems. For example, when fat is carried around the waist area, a person is more likely to develop health problems such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes than if the weight is distributed over the hips and thigh areas.
Health risk based only on waist circumference
Excessive belly fat changes the way the body works and can influence your cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, liver, heart, kidney and also lead to inflammation, problems with blood clotting and hormone levels and even some types of cancer. Stroke, sleep apnea, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease and irregular menstrual periods can be linked to your waist measurement.
A waist circumference of 94cm or below in men and 80cm or below in women indicates that the body fat distribution is healthy and the risk for heart disease is low.
Anything between 95cm to 101cm (men) and 81cm to 87cm (women) are considered moderate risk because you are one and a half to two times more likely to have one or more major cardiovascular risk factors. You should lose weight, participate in regular physical activity and give up smoking.
High risk categories are men with a measurement of over 102cm and women over 88cm – your health may be in jeopardy. You should seek professional advice for weight management from a registered dietitian and request your healthcare provider to check your cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure levels as part of a full cardiovascular and diabetes assessment.
Taking action
Brisk walks daily for about 30 to 60 minutes are an effective way to reduce weight, insulin resistance and the chances for diabetes onset. Keep a chart of minutes exercised as well as the type of exercise and how you felt during and after physical movement. Belly fat is usually the first to go when you start an exercise routine.
It is also a well-known fact that exercise helps improve your mental health because serotonin levels increase when the body warms up from activity. Depression is a major stumbling block to lifestyle change and is linked to an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Consult a professional dietitian who is trained to help people compile comprehensive and individualised eating plans.
Tips for watching your weight
Measure and weigh yourself only once a week and aim to lose 500g to 1kg per week in order to avoid losing muscle and bone mass. Moderate activity is required along with a good knowledge about healthy nutrition.