It’s been a long challenging year and you probably cannot wait to unwind and relax over the end of year holidays. Developing healthy habits is not something that happens overnight. By working on one small behaviour change every day, you can make huge changes over the long-term. This article contains three creative ways to enhance your energy as you simplify and savour your lifestyle over the last few weeks of this year.
Savouring life starts with a mindset. It’s a mindset that tries instead to slow down, to simplify, to consume less, to be mindful and present and savour things fully. Developing healthy habits is not something that happens overnight. By working on one small behaviour change every day, you can make huge changes over the long-term.
Tip 1: Sharing is caring
Eating out can be challenging as so many meals are completely oversized. Save money and save kilojoules too by asking your present company if they would like to share items off the menu with you. Even a dessert can be shared amongst a few friends as often a teaspoon or two will satisfy the craving for something sweet. Offer to bring along dessert when going to friends and instead of bringing a kilojoule-laiden tiramisu, bring along a fruit based dessert accompanied with low fat custard or ice cream.
Tip 2: Go slow
Most people end the festive season with quite a few kilos that were not there in October. Eat mindfully and chew each mouthful well. Pace yourself. Try not multitask while eating as this may lead to overeating! Stop eating when satisfied, not when full. Buffets and finger foods can be a binge eating trap. Serve up your food on a plate and leave the buffet immediately. Be present in the moment, enjoy the conversation and be more aware of your surroundings, notice the people, the music, the decor…
Tip 3: Banish the booze
By all means have a drink or two, if you’re not driving, but don’t binge. Alcohol is a toxin that is metabolised by the liver in preference to other liver functions including proper fat digestion. A tall cocktail made with three tots of alcohol and topped with fruit juice or other mixers can contain over 1000 kilojoules. When having wine or a cocktail, compensate for the extra kilojoules by having no starch or pudding with your (next) meal. If choosing a “lite” wine be careful not to drink more than you would if you were drinking a regular wine. Dilute wine with soda water, have light beers and always have water or sugar-free colddrinks in between alcoholic drinks.
Tips for the host or hostess
- Prepare less food as large quantities of food make people eat more. If there is less food and less variety, people will likely eat less and still enjoy the warm association.
- Use small dishes and glasses – it really works. Smaller plates will help you and your guests dish up less.
- Savour the occasion – don’t rush the meal. Allow time for each course to settle, it takes about 20 minutes for your mind to realise that you have eaten and are now satisfied.
Our Employee Wellbeing Programme (EAP) is available 24 hours a day if you want to know more about how to survive the silly season.