It is being estimated that around the world at least one woman out of three has been coerced into sex. An estimate of 91% of victims of rape is women; however, that does not mean that women are powerless. Although there are no guarantees, there are ways to reduce the odds of being raped.
Rape prevention education is available for all people. The following tips are useful, though not a guarantee against rape.
In general
- Know the real picture. A large percentage (85%) of rape attacks is committed by non-strangers and in familiar, social situations.
- Men who rape usually try to gain trust to test the victim’s boundaries.
- If the rapist judge you to be passive and easily dominated, he will move in.
- Trust your very first feeling of uneasiness.
- Do not dismiss that feeling.
- Act on it by firmly saying “no”, “leave me alone” or leave if necessary.
- Do not worry about hurting feelings or appearing rude.
- Use a strong, serious voice. Do not plead or play cute.
- Do not apologise.
- Look for others to assist if you need help.
- If the aggressor is an intimate partner, insist in a serious tone that you are not comfortable and want him/her to stop. Now.
- Try not to smile or laugh out of nervousness.
- Believe in your right to your own body.
At parties
- Be aware that men who rape often use alcohol to exploit the victim’s vulnerability.
- Keep in control of your drinking.
- Do not leave a drink unattended, or accept a drink that someone else has given you. Most times it is harmless, but you are trying to avoid the one time it is not.
- Think ahead. Have a safe/alternate way to get home already planned.
- If in a group, plan ahead to watch out for one another.
- If a friend looks as though she or he is losing control, step in and take care of them.
- If a friend is harassing women, make it your concern.
- Remember, you cannot tell the good guys from the bad guys by appearance or good looks.
- Watch out for someone who is pressuring you; who keeps giving you drinks; who wants to get you alone; who makes you feel guilty if you are reluctant.
- Do not use sex to keep someone’s attention or as a response to guilt-trips.
- Report any suspicious person(s) to the police.
While walking and jogging
- Stay aware of your surroundings.
- Avoid any headset that prevents you from being focused and aware.
- If someone’s behaviour makes you nervous, listen to your instinct and leave.
- Consider walking, running or hiking in a group.
- Take a self-defence course to increase your options and skills.
- Report any suspicious person(s) to the police.
At home
- Most rape attacks are from non-strangers; however, stranger rape is still a reality.
- Keep outside doors locked. Do not be afraid to be assertive and ask strangers to wait outside.
- Make sure all doors have good security locks.
- Be sure all windows have locks. For sliding doors or windows, place a wooden or metal rod between the moveable pane and the opposite casing.
- Get to know your neighbours so you can get help if necessary and familiarise yourself with who is coming and going in the neighbourhood.
On the street
- Be alert. Be aware of who else is on the street. Make it difficult for anyone to surprise you.
- Walk assertively.
- Don’t be afraid to ask for help if someone is making you feel threatened.
Remember, should you be raped, you have to start on antiretroviral medication within 72 hours to prevent HIV infection
Our Employee Wellbeing Programme (EAP) is available 24 hours if you want to discuss the prevention of rape.