You rush every morning to get to work on time and most days you either skip lunch or wolf down a pie from the canteen while you’re typing a report that was due hours ago… Sound familiar?
Working under stress is not the only work hazard stalling your weight-loss progress: There are seemingly innocent on-the-job habits that you may want to avoid to stay on track with your weight-loss journey:
- Don’t skip breakfast. Eat a low-GI breakfast such as oats or wholewheat toast with eggs for sustained energy.
- Don’t sit all day. Make sure you get up often and move around.
- Don’t eat at your desk. Take a proper lunch break away from your desk.
- Don’t drink too much coffee. Rather drink water to sufficiently hydrate yourself.
- Don’t grab a “quick” lunch. Pack yourself a healthy lunch with low-GI starch, fresh fruit and vegetables, and lean protein.
- Don’t buy unhealthy snacks just because they are conveniently accessible. Stick to healthy choices such as yogurt, cut-up-veggies, fruits and nuts.
- Don’t indulge in function food. Decide beforehand to steer clear of party food.
- Don’t take part in after-work drinks while you try to lose weight. Avoid staff parties for a while.
The following tips may help you on your weight-loss journey:
- Use every opportunity to increase your steps at work. For example, take the stairs instead of the lift or use part of your lunch hour for a workout to burn some extra kilojoules.
- Drink at least six to eight glasses of water daily. Water isn’t just kilojoules-free; it gives your belly the sensation that it’s full, which cuts down on mindless snacking.
- Take enough food for the day, but do not eat it all if you are not hungry. Rather save the rest for a mid-afternoon snack when you have time for a break.
- Try to manage your stress levels by taking regular breaks. Stress causes the body to release the hormone cortisol which in turn causes blood sugar levels to spike and crash, triggering cravings for sugary, high-carb foods.
- Set up a snacking schedule. Limit yourself to two healthy snacks a day, and pre-measure your portions.
- Hit the bathroom for some dental hygiene after you finish each meal or snack. Not only will brushing prevent cavities and bad breath, but your minty mouth will remind you that you already ate.
- Stash a healthy snack in your purse for the commute home, or prepare your dinners at the beginning of the week. It will help to counter that I’m-home-late-and-starving-must-eat-NOW binge.