Accumulated belly (abdominal) fat is uncomfortable, embarrassing and dangerous to your health. It’s not so easy to get rid of either and dieting alone is not going to do the trick! Fortunately there are other ways and means to beat this bulge.

Toxic fat

Belly or abdominal fat is much more dangerous than the fat on your hips, butt or thighs. Not only is it unattractive and uncomfortable to lug around but it may also impact negatively on surrounding vital organs such as your liver and pancreas and their functioning. When their functioning is impacted your risk of heart problems and diabetes, for example, rises exponentially too.

To make matters worse, belly fat is also difficult to get rid of and dieting alone is not going to do the trick! Belly fat can only be reduced by reducing the size of the abdominal fat cells — the greater the fat-cell size, the greater the amount of abdominal fat. There is, however, a simple solution to the problem: diet and exercise, although not just any old diet and exercise routine!

Not just any old diet

Unfortunately, diet alone will not change the shape of your belly or body. Following a healthy eating plan that keeps your weight in check and cutting out all processed “junk” food is a first step in the right direction.

The following foods may also help in the fight against belly fat and bloat:

    • Fruit such as apples, bananas, pineapples and pears
    • Watermelons that help alter blood lipids (fats) and therefore the build-up of plaque in arteries and also belly fat
    • Tomatoes, because they contain a compound called 9-oxo-octadecadienoic that influences the amount of blood lipids (fats) in circulation
    • Lamb, a healthy source of protein and conjugated linoleic acid. Low levels of conjugated linoleic acid can lead to fat storage and obesity
    • Tart cherries, to help lower symptoms of heart disease, diabetes and belly fat
    • Celery and fresh celery juice, because it’s low in kilojoules but high in vitamin C and helps with weight loss
    • Avocados, because they have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties and contain the amino acid lecithin that helps prevent liver overload, helps balance cholesterol levels and weight gain
    • Kelp noodles, because they are full of minerals and contain only a few kilojoules
    • Heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and acids found in certain forms of seafood, avocados, nuts, seeds and olive oil, etc.
    • Other foods that fight belly fat or bloat include blueberries, low-fat dairy products and high-fibre leafy greens.

Also, be aware that alcohol inhibits fat-burning in the stomach and lack of sleep can cause stress and make you crave unhealthy sweet or salty snacks that form belly fat. Studies also show that the persistently high levels of cortisol linked to increased belly fat are caused as much by eating the wrong foods and poor exercise habits as by stress. Crash dieting and low carb diets may starve your body of kilojouls and essential carbohydrates but will also force your thyroid to drop down into lowest gear and stop burning fat.

Not just any old exercise routine

Research has proven that you can’t spot-reduce fat from certain areas of your body without reducing body fat all over. Unfortunately, all the abdominal crunches or other stomach and ab-strengthening exercises in the world won’t blast away your belly fat. The good news is that according to research studies, abdominal fat may be more active and responsive to exercise than fat in other areas of the body. The right diet when coupled with the right exercise routine can actually help you attain sustainable all over fat and weight loss. Not just any old exercise routine is going to work though; it has to be regular, high intensity, heart pumping, cardio-vascular exercise and interval training routines such as running, swimming, rowing, jumping rope, climbing stairs, hiking, etc. The latest trend is very short (ten minute), intense, exercise routines that anyone can do at home. There are many examples of these available on the Internet. Consult a personal trainer or visit your nearest gym for more info.



Geib, A. 2012. The top ten best foods for burning belly fat. Retrieved from:
Sugar, J. The three things you need to do to reduce belly fat. Retrieved from:
Wilson, M. Five hormones you can use to burn away your belly fat, increase life expectancy and boost your energy. Retrieved from: