From 25 November to 10 December, people and organisations around the world will be observing 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence. This annual awareness campaign focuses on spreading awareness about gender-based violence and the impact it has on society. It is also known as 16 Days of Activism for No Violence Against Women and Children.

The Aims of the 16 Days Campaign

What are the objectives of this campaign?

  • To highlight gender-based violence as a societal issue, rather than a Government or criminal justice system issue.
  • To encourage everyone to get involved in the fight to end violence against women and children.
  • To motivate communities to take responsibility for preventing violence against women and children.

Ready to Show your Support?

How can you get involved? There are a few ways to show your support for the 16 Days campaign.

  • Time: Spend some time helping a local charity, NGO or community group that focuses on empowering women and/or protecting children.
  • Money: Make a donation to a local organisation that’s dedicated to working against gender-based violence and child abuse.
  • White ribbon: Buy and wear an official white ribbon, which symbolises peace and non-violence, to support the International Day of the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25 November (the first day of the 16 Days campaign).
  • Education: Educate yourself (and your loved ones) about how the 16 Days campaign originated, or visit the UN Women Network online, to find out more about the history and aims of the campaign.
  • Mentoring: Get involved in a mentoring programme that allows you to act as a positive role model for girls and young women.

Are you affected by gender-based violence, or do you suspect that someone you care about is being abused? Talk to us! LifeAssist can provide you with the guidance and resources you need. Call your dedicated Employee Wellbeing number for more information.