You don’t have to be an expert on fitness to know that sitting at a desk for eight hours a day is not what our bodies were designed to do. If cutting down your time at the desk is not an option, we have some ideas on ways you can exercise without anybody even noticing.
1. Sit pretty
Use an exercise ball instead of an office chair to get an all-day workout that tones the core muscles, strengthens the abs and helps you to concentrate. To sit correctly on the ball might take practise – sit with the feet hip-width apart, pull back the shoulders and pull in the navel.
2. Work on the bum and abs
To give a flabby bottom or belly a quick workout, clench either the buttock or ab muscles, hold them for three counts and release. Repeat 15 times.
3. Kegel exercises
Kegel exercises are as discreet an exercise as you can get and a great way to prevent or control urinary incontinence. Squeeze the pelvic floor muscles, hold for five seconds, and release. Repeat 15 times.
4. Take a walk
Instead of phoning, sending emails or driving, take a walk. Ten thousand steps a day is considered ideal. Get a pedometer to count your extra steps and try to increase your daily steps over time.
5. Take the stairs
Ditch the lift in favour of the stairs. To up the impact, take two stairs at a time. Do this five to seven times a day to get the full aerobic benefit. It also gives the leg muscles a good workout.
6. Loosen the shoulders
To make the shoulders stronger and more flexible and to relieve aching muscles, roll both shoulders forward in a circular motion, and then do the same in a backward direction. Repeat 10 times.
7. Tone the legs
While sitting down, cross straightened legs and raise them off the floor. Push the top leg down while resisting with the bottom leg. Switch legs and repeat until the muscles tire.