Let’s face it! It’s not easy to stop smoking. You actually need all the support that you can get.
Support while you’re in the process of smoking cessation can mean the difference between success and failure. Of course, the responsibility and commitment lies with you but you can and should use all the support that you can get.
Nearest and dearest
Enlist the support of your friends and family. Tell them that you are about to stop smoking and ask for their consideration and support. Ask them not to tempt you by smoking in front of you or by offering you a cigarette. Ask them to encourage you and praise you when the going gets tough.
Work colleagues
Colleagues can be a great source of encouragement, especially those who have also kicked the smoking habit. Ask them to be patient should you become short tempered, irritable and moody while your body rids itself of the nicotine. Ask them not to smoke in front of you or to offer you cigarettes.
Employee Wellness Programme (EAP/EAP)
Sometimes you may want to unload your feelings and frustrations while you’re in the process to stop smoking. Emotional upsets and problems may create an urge to smoke again. Reach for the phone and call the EAP/EAP
when this happens. Keep the number close at hand.
Support groups
Join a support group when you stop smoking. The group will help motivate you to replace bad habits with good ones, encourage you to avoid situations that make you want to smoke and help you find healthy ways to cope with cravings, emotions and withdrawal symptoms.
Your doctor
For some people, aids are necessary to quit smoking. Enlist the help of your doctor if you’ve tried to stop smoking without success. Medications and nicotine replacement therapies can double and sometimes even triple the chances that a smoker will successfully quit. Doctors understand this and are now able to create a personalised treatment plan tailored to your needs and preferences.
Your journal
Last but not least, your own personal stop smoking journal can be of great support when you stop smoking. Write down your goals and your successes. Pour out your feelings and emotions. This is a wonderful way of seeing how far you’ve already come along the way. Write and read your journal every day until you’ve finally quit the habit.
Quit smoking. Fedsure Health