April Newsletter 2022

April Newsletter 20222022-03-30T10:12:25+00:00

April Newsletter

Fatique is extreme exhaustion:

At times I just want to block the world out and stay in bed’

Does this sound like you? Sometimes ‘it all’ becomes too much – exhausted and unmotivated. Explore the various types of fatigue that could be impacting your life.

Physical fatigue

There are many causes behind a lack of physical energy such as poor lifestyle choices: lack of sleep, unhealthy eating, neglecting to exercise, or drug/alcohol abuse. Chronic illness may also be the cause, such as depression, diabetes, obesity, or heart disease.  Changing your habits, or getting treated for your illnesses should help restore your energy.

But there are other forms of fatigue you may not be aware of, that could be also add to your exhaustion. These include social, emotional, and compassionate fatigue.

Social fatigue

Social fatigue is when you feel emotionally overextended and exhausted by social situations. It’s referred to as a ‘people hangover’ and not only introverts, but extroverts who thrive in company can also suffer from this. While socialising can be a positive and enjoyable experience, too much, and with too many expectations, can be taxing. This isn’t limited to in-person socializing; hours on social media and texting can also cause social fatigue.

Emotional fatigue

Emotional fatigue is a state of feeling emotionally worn-out and drained as a result of too much stress in your personal or work life, or both. People experiencing emotional exhaustion often feel like they have no power or control over what happens in life. They may feel “stuck” or “trapped” and overwhelmed by everything. This can be a sign of burnout and requires urgent attention.

Compassion fatigue

Compassion fatigue is the physical and emotional exhaustion from being exposed to the trauma and pain of others. It’s the stress you feel when you are helping others or want to help those in need. It’s often referred to as “the cost of caring”. It may lead to you feeling detached or numb to others, feeling hopeless or powerless, irritable, angry, sad, and no longer able to enjoy activities.

During the last 2 years of Covid-19, we have also had to adapt to cope with information fatigue, change fatigue and technology fatigue.

Knowing what is causing your fatigue is the first step. The next step is reaching out for help. LifeAssist is here to help you identify and support you in making positive changes to help you get back on track.

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