Effective communication is one of the cornerstones of a happy and successful relationship. It is easy to get stuck in a rut with your partner where the only communication that happens is about the kids or what’s for dinner. But do you know how each other actually feel? Do you understand each other’s reality? Talking about the deep stuff isn’t always easy and may take some practice. These exchanges are what lead to emotional intimacy and create a connection between the two of you as well as allow you to solve problems in the relationship constructively. Here are some tips to help you to talk to your partner more effectively:
- Nip small issues in the bud before they escalate into bigger issues. Talk about problems early and often.
- Do you listen when someone shouts at you? You can’t solve problems when you’re angry. Wait until you are both calm and ready to talk before taking on a conversation about big issues.
- Create space to talk. You can’t have a heart-to-heart with the TV blaring and the kids going wild in the next room. Set aside quiet time where you and your partner can really listen to each other.
- Communication isn’t only about talking. You need to really hear what your partner is telling you.
- Talk about how you feel and what you need without making it sound like you are criticising your partner. Focus on the problem, not the person.
- Be honest. There’s no way to solve the problem if you are not upfront about what the problem is.
- Acknowledge that not every issue can be solved in one conversation. Be willing to work on it over time.
If you and your partner need professional support in your relationship, contact LifeAssist to arrange relationship counselling.