Whether you’re enjoying a beach day, a picnic, or a hike, good sun protection habits are essential to keep your skin safe from the harsh effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sun exposure breaks down the fibres in your skin known as elastin, which causes the skin to age more rapidly and become more delicate. UV rays also cause sunburn, and regular exposure without proper protection dramatically increases your risk of skin cancer.

Stay safe this summer, and keep your skin protected from sun damage, with these easy tips.

Always use a Good Sunscreen

Use a high-quality sunscreen on exposed skin every day, even in cloudy weather, as the sun’s rays do still penetrate the clouds. Don’t keep the sunscreen aside for beach days either – ordinary everyday activities like driving to work or taking a walk at lunchtime will also expose your skin to the sun.

Cover all your Bases

Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen that will protect you from both UVA radiation (which causes wrinkles and skin ageing) and UVB radiation (which causes sunburn). Use a product with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of 30 or higher. If you’re going to be swimming, exercising or sweating, choose one that’s waterproof as well.

Reapply Regularly

If you’re spending the day outdoors, remember to reapply your sunscreen at regular intervals – ideally every two hours, or more often if you are swimming, sweating or towelling off.

Know the High-Risk Times

Limit the time you spend out in direct sunlight between 10am and 4pm, when the sun is at its strongest.

Keep the Sun Off your Head

Protect your scalp, neck, ears and face from the sun’s harsh rays by wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

Stay Hydrated

When you’re spending time out in the sun, drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and maintain your skin’s health and elasticity.

Don’t Forget your Eyes and Lips

Protect the thin, delicate skin of your lips and around your eyes when you go out in the sun. Use a lip balm with a built-in SPF, and wear a pair of sunglasses with proper UV protective lenses.

It’s healthy to spend time exercising outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and getting some natural vitamin D from the sun – by being smart about sun protection, you can enjoy these benefits without the stress of unnecessary sun damage.



10 Tips for Protecting your Skin from the Sun. Retrieved from: https://www.cancer.net/blog/2015-07/10-tips-protecting-your-skin-sun

9 Sun Safety Tips for Your Skin. Retrieved from: https://www.webmd.com/beauty/sun-safety-tips