If you want to have a friend, you first have to learn to be a friend. So if you want great friendships, you’ll want to master these seven habits of great friends.

1. Be forgiving

We all make mistakes and therefore forgiveness is essential for a friendship to last. While you have to draw boundaries for things you would accept and things that are just not worth the effort, it is essential that you truly forgive a friend when he or she is sincerely sorry. Of course, it is also important to ask for forgiveness when you have hurt a friend.

2. Don’t judge

A big part of having a long-lasting friendship involves the act of sharing feelings and often embarrassing details. For any relationship to grow, both persons should feel safe, that is not afraid of being judged. This increases the trust within a friendship, as well as a deeper connection between the two persons.

3. Be honest

Sometimes tough love is exactly what we need. Everyone deserves a friend who helps him or her grow as a person by being brutally honest about the things that he or she does not want to hear. Because it is said out of love and concern, it further strengthens the bond between true friends.

4. Be reliable

People who maintain friendships are usually dependable people. They are the kind of people who will pick you up at the airport, anytime of night or day. They don’t dodge your phone calls, or cancel appointments at the last minute. Knowing that you have someone like this in your life is empowering and a great comfort.

5. Be loyal

Being a loyal friend in these days of disposable friendships goes a long way. Those who’ve mastered this habit have friends for life. This means he or she doesn’t talk behind your back but rather have your back! Even more so, he or she will stand up for you when you’re not there to stand up for yourself.

6. Communicate well

Communication is a two-way street. It requires someone to talk and someone to listen, ask questions and seek out more information. Great friends know how to do this. They don’t need to talk endlessly about themselves. They want to know what’s in your life and are interested in your story. They are also uncanny in their ability to remember something you told them a month ago, and they follow up and ask you about it. Truly hearing a person makes him or her feel special.

7. Accept friends as they are

Friends often drive each other up the wall, but loving your friend unconditionally is essential. Even though her house is always spotless, your friend will easily ignore your pile of dirty dishes and choose to focus on all the wonderful things about you. Seeing the best in another person − that is acceptance.

Altschule, S. 10 Habits of People With Longstanding Friendships. Retrieved from https://www.bustle.com/articles/49874-10-habits-of-people-with-longstanding-friendships
Goldsmith, B. 10 Habits of Great Friends. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/emotional-fitness/201310/10-habits-great-friends
Northrup, J. 7 Habits of Good Friendships. Retrieved from http://gethealthyu.com/7-habits-good-friendships/
Sampath, S. 7 Habits of a good friend. Retrieved from http://www.thehealthsite.com/fitness/7-habits-of-a-good-friend-p715/