The ancient Greeks believed that water had healing and healthmaintaining properties, while the Romans made water treatment part of their everyday lives by building public baths next to natural springs.
The same healing method can be applied to our current lifestyle. A hot bath can help you to gather strength for the next day. Add a few drops of aromatherapy oil and you have your own little de-stress centre at home.
Make your own scents – (homemade) bath salt recipe

  • 6 parts of Coarse Salt
  • 3 parts of Epsom Salt
  • 1 parts Bicarbonate of Soda

A part = the same measure for each of the ingredients such as a cup, spoon or scoop.

The ingredients used are all available at your local supermarket, just add it to your shopping list.
Add (drops of) essential oil(s) for that relaxation effect. The amount of essential oil will depend on how much bath salts you have made i.e. if you used teaspoons as a measurement, add three drops, whereby if you used cups, add about eight drops. Use sparingly, and be sure that they are safe to use. If you are pregnant or have health problems check with your doctor or pharmacist.

I am sure there are things that can’t be cured by a good bath but I can’t think of one.
American Author, Sylvia Plath.

Lavender: A sedative, antidepressant and antiseptic. It is good for stress, digestive disorders, headaches and migraines

Rosemary: A stimulant and decongestive. It can be a helpful treatment for sinus congestion and musculoskeletal aches and pains.

Tea tree: This oil has gained much popularity and is used as an ingredient in many beauty products. It is an antiseptic, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial oil and is good for treating acne, athletes foot, and coughs and colds.

Neroli: A sedative, antidepressant and anti-inflammatory oil. It can help with depression, insomnia, stress and premenstrual tension.

Eucalyptus: Besides the antiseptic and antidepressant qualities, this oil can also help to treat allergies. It is further useful for eczema, sprains, aches and headaches.

Rose: It may help with sinus congestion, stress, depression, poor circulation, insomnia and menopausal difficulties.

Camomile: This can relieve stress, insomnia, headaches, flatulence and indigestion.

Spicy oils: These are warming and stimulating and will relax you if you are emotionally wrung out. Try juniper, black pepper or ginger.

Citrus oils: These include lemon oil, orange oil and bergamot. They will boost your energy levels and uplift your spirit.

Benefits of a warm bath

  • Relieve stress – warm baths are the perfect way to unwind
  • Aid sleep – taking a bath is a natural way to induce sleep. Relaxing in awarm tub slowly increases your body’s temperature. When you hop out and it returns to a cooler state, your brain releases melatonin, triggering bedtime
  • Fight cold symptoms – can’t stop sniffling? A warm bath may be a good tool to help relieve your symptoms. Steam from the water can help moisturise nasal passages, help with dizziness and relax achy muscles
  • Detoxing – warm baths open the pores and encourage sweating, which helps to release toxins. They are good for mild detoxing
  • Circulation – stimulates blood circulation, which improves all bodily systems by increasing the rate of nourishing blood cells to damaged tissue
  • Eczema – for skin conditions such as eczema, hives or rashes, adding some baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to your bath can make a big difference. It acts as a mild antiseptic, opens the pores and relieves itching and skin irritation 10 to 20 minutes is all you need to soak in the goodness.

6 ways an Epsom Salt bath could improve your wellbeing

  • Boost your health – absorb magnesium the safe and easy way – ideal for children and great before bedtime
  • Ease your sore muscles – perfect if you have been active or on your feet all day
  • Turn your dry skin into soft skin by regular soaking – think of your feet
  • Reduce risk of allergic reaction – pure Epsom Salt has no added chemicals or perfume
  • Promote healing – Epsom Salt is reputed to be good for cuts, abrasions and stings
  • Soak away the stresses and strains – so enjoy your soak and detox in an Epsom Salt bath at the same time

Stress is internal, which explains why it can wreak havoc on your health. The easiest way to mitigate its effect is to take charge of the one and only thing you have the power to control – yourself, and let go of what you can’t control.