The way we talk about HIV has a significant impact on how it is perceived, and how those living with HIV are treated by society. While understanding and communication around HIV have grown and improved in recent years, there are still many misconceptions about the illness, and it’s important to use HIV communication and education tools to help separate the myths from the facts.
The Importance of World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day has taken place on 1 December every year since 1988, so it’s easy to assume that by now people have “heard it all” and know everything there is to know about HIV/AIDS. However, there is still a lot of work to be done in combating the spread of the virus, and the stigma around it.
There are an estimated 36.7-million people around the world living with HIV. Since the virus was identified in 1984, more than 35-million people have died of HIV/AIDS-related illnesses, making it one of the most destructive pandemics in the history of the world!
World AIDS Day is important because it reminds the public and the government that HIV has not gone away. There is still a need to improve awareness and education around the virus, and raise funds for the medical treatment of HIV/AIDS.
The stigma around HIV/AIDS still remains, and to change this we need awareness and action. This means knowing your status, sharing knowledge, and speaking out against discrimination. HIV is a chronic illness and should be spoken about accordingly.
It’s also important to increase awareness about the effectiveness of antiretroviral (ARV) treatment. ARVs are remarkable, and can help many HIV-positive people to live healthy lives.
How to Get Involved in World AIDS Day
- Buy and wear an official red ribbon to show your support and solidarity.
- Get tested and know your status. Encourage your partner and friends to do the same.
- Donate to a charity working with those affected by HIV/AIDS.
- Hand out World AIDS Day informational materials and red ribbons at your workplace or in your community.
- Encourage others to educate themselves and donate to HIV/AIDS-related charities.
HIV communication matters because it plays a role in reducing the stigma around the virus, and combating unfair discrimination against HIV-positive people. By dismantling myths and spreading correct information, we can help those affected to live happier and healthier lives.
If you have any questions about HIV/AIDS, you can contact our Employee Wellness helpline for more information.
World AIDS Day. Retrieved from: