2018 September Message

Consumer Tip

If you’ve fallen head-over-heels for your partner, and you’ve started making big financial decisions together, remember to use your head as well as your heart. Here’s a money-smart tip for savvy couples:

Organise your cash flow into three accounts: one for you, one for your partner, and one joint account you can share. Once you’ve worked out the total cost of your shared living expenses, you should each contribute a set amount into the joint account every month, based on your share of the household income. Any money that doesn’t go toward these costs can stay in your individual accounts, for each of you to use separately at your own discretion. This helps to keep living expenses fair and balanced.


Caring Communities

Medical research shows that sitting still for long periods of time (as many of us do during a typical workday) can have an adverse effect on heart health. This Heart Health Awareness Month, do your body a favour, and start a “deskercise” routine. Just a few simple stretches at your desk will get your circulation going, while helping to ease aches and stiffness. Download here >

For example, you can do an easy hamstring stretch in your office chair. Staying seated, extend one leg out in front of you. Reach your arms out towards your toes. Hold the position for 10-30 seconds. Then release, and repeat on the other side.

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