Top 10 reasons why men need to take care of themselves

The month of November is Men’s Health Awareness month, better known as Movember. Here are the top 10 men’s health issues that need attention all year around.

  • Colon and rectal cancer: It’s one of the most commonly occurring internal cancers and the second-most common cause of cancer related death, after lung cancer.
  • Heart disease: A man’s risk of heart disease begins to rise steeply after 45.
  • Prostate cancer: It is one of the leading killers of men globally.
  • Accidents: Also called unintentional injuries. This is the number three cause of death among men.
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: A group of diseases that affect the lungs.
  • Stroke: Managing your high blood pressure can lower your risk of a stroke.
  • Diabetes: Most men are unaware of this until they develop vision loss, kidney disease or erectile dysfunction.
  • Suicide: Men are almost four times more likely than women to successfully commit suicide.
  • Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease: These diseases usually occur after age 65 but are also on the rise among men in their 30s, 40s and 50s.
  • Throat and lung cancer: Cigarette smoking is the major cause of lung cancer.

Truth be told guys, when it comes to men’s health issues, the stakes are too high for you to remain complacent. But it’s never too late to adjust your lifestyle.

A guy’s to-do list!

Stick this list on your bathroom mirror or on the fridge – somewhere to remind yourself to take better care of you.

  • Eliminate foods made from white flour from your diet.
  • Stay away from dangerous trans fats i.e. take-away food, fried foods, biscuits, breads etc.
  • Take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement
  • Incorporate weight training into your exercise routine.
  • Maintain your optimal weight.
  • Drink alcohol in moderation.
  • Protect your prostate – get tested.
  • Maintain close relationships.

Small changes can add years to your life and it is never too late to start taking care of yourself.

