The psychology of spending
We know we shouldn’t spend every cent we make. We know we should save for a rainy day. But still, we keep on spending, sometimes excessively on things we don’t even need or want. What’s that about?
The psychology behind spending money could be the reason. How we spend money is more about our feelings and psychological makeup, and less about how much money we make. That’s why some high earners remain permanently in debt, while other wiser, low earners have money left after paying their expenses.
A chemical reaction?
When we spend, the part of our brains linked to pleasure light up in the same way up as when we use substances like alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. However, this pleasure doesn’t last and we have to keep spending. Holding back by saving our hard-earned cash may feel like we’re losing out on the fun. However, there are more lasting ways to feel joy, and the thrill of seeing our savings, no matter how small, building up each month, can ultimately be more satisfying.
Money scripts
We all have core beliefs we learned from our caregivers and those around us, about money. One such script is that we need to keep up with the Jones’ or impress those around us with our status, even if we can’t afford to do so. Another is the fallacy that “money buys love.” We purchase expensive gifts in the hope that people will like us more, forgive us, or to get rid of our guilt, forgetting that relationships are much more complex. Real love is unconditional and should not have a price tag: it’s about human care and connection.
Self-esteem boosters
Many of us rely on appearances for our self-worth and acceptance. We feel better about ourselves when we wear designer labels, have the latest iPhone, or drive a fancy car. Smart marketing campaigns feed into our insecurities by telling us “you’re worth it.” The truth is, that these outward shiny things only give us a shallow, false sense of self-worth and confidence. It really is true that self-esteem comes from the inside.
If you need support with regard to your finance, please reach out to LifeAssist and chat with a financial coach.