2022 Aug articles

The psychology of spending

We know we shouldn’t spend every cent we make. We know we should save for a rainy day. But still, we keep on spending, sometimes excessively on things we don’t even need or want. What’s that about?

The psychology behind spending money could be the reason. How we spend money is more about our feelings and psychological makeup, and less about how much money we make. That’s why some high earners remain permanently in debt, while other wiser, low earners have money left after paying their expenses.

A chemical reaction?
When we spend, the part of our brains linked to pleasure light up in the same way up as when we use substances like alcohol, cocaine, and heroin. However, this pleasure doesn’t last and we have to keep spending. Holding back by saving our hard-earned cash may feel like we’re losing out on the fun. However, there are more lasting ways to feel joy, and the thrill of seeing our savings, no matter how small, building up each month, can ultimately be more satisfying. 

Money scripts

We all have core beliefs we learned from our caregivers and those around us, about money. One such script is that we need to keep up with the Jones’ or impress those around us with our status, even if we can’t afford to do so. Another is the fallacy that “money buys love.” We purchase expensive gifts in the hope that people will like us more, forgive us, or to get rid of our guilt, forgetting that relationships are much more complex. Real love is unconditional and should not have a price tag: it’s about human care and connection.

Self-esteem boosters

Many of us rely on appearances for our self-worth and acceptance. We feel better about ourselves when we wear designer labels, have the latest iPhone, or drive a fancy car. Smart marketing campaigns feed into our insecurities by telling us “you’re worth it.” The truth is, that these outward shiny things only give us a shallow, false sense of self-worth and confidence. It really is true that self-esteem comes from the inside.

If you need support with regard to your finance, please reach out to LifeAssist and chat with a financial coach.


Why you should consider organ donation

August is organ donation month

Organ Donation is a medical procedure where one person donates an organ or tissue to another person who needs a transplant. An organ donor makes the decision that when they die, someone else should benefit from their healthy organs and tissue through transplantation, rather than being buried with the rest of their bodies. To spare a sufferer a long and uncertain wait for an organ from a deceased donor, relatives, loved ones, friends, and even individuals who wish to remain anonymous, may serve as living donors.

Why donate?

There is a dire need. Every day thousands of people in South Africa wait for a life-saving organ or cornea transplant, but only a small percentage of people (approximately 0,2%) are registered organ donors.

Opportunity to do good. As an organ donor, you can save the life of someone who is suffering from a life-threatening disease or has been in a serious accident. People who are on an organ waiting list are typically very sick or dying because one or more of their organs are failing. Receiving an organ will be a life-changing event for these people and for those who depend on them.

One organ donor can help multiple people. One organ donor has the potential to save up to 7 lives and transform over 50 lives.

Help your family and loved ones deal with your loss. It can also help your family work through the grieving process and deal with their loss, by knowing their loved one, even in death, is helping to save the lives of others.

Most religions support organ donation. This includes Catholics, Protestants, Islam, and most branches of Judaism who view it as the ultimate act of love and generosity toward others.

Simple registration. Organ and tissue donation will cost you nothing but a few minutes of your time to register. If you want to find out more about organ donation, visit the frequently asked questions (FAQs) section on the website of the Organ Donation Foundation.

You can register as an organ donor by contacting the Organ Donor Foundation toll-free line at 0800 22 66 11, or registering online at https:odf.org.za

You can also call LifeAssist to chat with a counsellor to discuss your concerns or how to share your decision with your family or add it to your will.


The 4 A-Stress Busting Strategy

Is this you?  Your alarm wakes you up in the morning, feeling tired you hit the snooze button, skip breakfast, face the traffic and arrive at work to an overloaded agenda and bursting inbox.  You multitask your day away with gallons of coffee or energy drinks without a break, and unable to relax at home, you repeat it all the next day. If this is your “hamster wheel”, you’re not alone!

While a little stress is necessary to get us going, too much stress is called the silent killer, often linked to weakened immune systems, obesity, some forms of cancer, and dietary problems.

Stress less with the “four A’s!”

Avoid: While it’s not possible to avoid all stressful situations, become aware of your limits, time, and resources, and be selective about what you commit to. Learn to say “no” to things that are optional, but potentially stressful. Plan for deadline-driven tasks in advance to avoid last-minute stressors.

Alter. Can’t avoid or prevent a stressful situation? Alter or change it, if you can. For example, if you’re stressed by living with inconsiderate flatmates, plan to move out and share with other friends.  Is the traffic crazy? Leave earlier or take the longer, less crowded route.

Adapt. Can’t change a situation or a person? Make an internal change in your attitude or mindset. Mentally list all the positive things about a person or situation. For example, view the task or person you dislike as an opportunity to learn something new or use the time standing in a queue to listen to interesting podcasts.

Accept. Sometimes, we can’t avoid or change anything about a situation or relationship that’s stressful, negative, or uncomfortable. No amount of willpower or positive thinking will make it any better. In these instances, we can choose acceptance. This is not a passive giving up, it’s a way to move forward. Non-acceptance leads to more suffering or being ‘stuck.’ Acceptance allows you to move on, but does not mean that you agree with a situation. It means that you recognise the reality of the situation or person, without attempting to change it, or even protesting it.

Reach out to LifeAssist for support in managing overwhelming stress.


Perseverance, an essential life skill

(“I get knocked down but I get up again.”)

We’ve all felt discouraged and defeated at some point. There are times when we may feel like giving up our goals and hopes. This is when perseverance, the ability to keep going no matter what, is essential. Tips to help you develop this essential life skill include:


Instead of fighting what’s happening around you, breathe deeply and learn to accept the challenge before you. Resistance will fuel discouragement and hopelessness.

Focus on the Solution
Change your focus from the problem by asking lots of questions and looking for solutions from different angles. To quote the Dalai Lama: “If a problem can be solved, it will be. If it cannot be solved, there is no use worrying about it.”

Seek the light
Ancient wisdom maintains that every situation contains the seeds of both darkness and light. Doing your best to search for the positive opens you up to more possibilities, growth, and learning. For example, notice how far you’ve come and celebrate the small improvements you’ve made. Even just “hanging in there” during a difficult time deserves respect.

Keep your eyes on your Goals
It’s okay to fall apart, make mistakes, fail, and be disappointed, but limit the time you spend in this place. If you have a goal, keep working to achieve it, despite the failures. Keeping your goals visible on your bathroom mirror or fridge plants the seeds of success and focuses your mind on things to help you achieve your goal.

Learn from others
People who persevere expect to fail and be disappointed. They choose to keep moving forward. Learn from those around you or google people like JK Rowlings, author of the famous Harry Potter series who was rejected for years by publishers or David Beckham, who despite many failures, persevered to become a soccer legend. Commit to becoming that courageous, resilient person you were born to be.


Get help

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness. A person who perseveres is resilient, self-aware, and courageous enough to actively seek support, advice, and encouragement from others when times are tough. Remember LifeAssist is also just a call away at no charge to you.

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