Many things contribute to unhealthy clutter in our lives, including closets that are too full. Every once in a while you need to clear them of all the clothes that you don’t wear anymore – and welfare services will thank you! The beginning of the new year is a perfect time to do just that.

We all have some clothes that are of good quality and lasting design. They make us feel good and definitely are money well spent. But then there are others that fill our closets without really doing something for our self-image and yet, we struggle to get rid of them.

Sometimes it is hard to part with clothes that represent certain events or memories in your life, but if you don’t you will end up with a closet full of old dated clothes that leave no room for new ones! How often have you looked at a shirt or a dress and thought: “I will wear this again one day” or “I will fit into this again”? If the latter is the case, make it a firm resolution and start doing something about it.

If you only hang on to clothes for no particular reason, rather make room for the more fashionable pieces of clothing. Just think how many people can benefit from the clothes that you’re not wearing. So, next time you notice something in your closet that you’ve not worn for more than a year, consider giving it to someone who may desperately need it. Churches and welfare organisations are in constant need of used clothes.

Without much effort you can put a smile on someone’s face this season.