It’s August and you’ve just realised that none of your New Year’s resolutions became a reality. You were so determined to stick to them. What happened?

Some of us had ideas about finding a new hobby, taking up a new sport or perhaps travelling to exotic locations. But did you actually go out and buy that paint to make those handcrafted cushions you always wanted to or did you start running a few kilometers each day?

Don’t despair! All it not lost.

Get back on track

Follow these steps to help you get back on track:

    • Make a list of the resolutions you still would like to achieve this year
    • Choose two resolutions that are realistic and practical
    • If your previous resolutions no longer appeal to you, make two new ones
    • Read up on your choices and learn what you need to do to make them a reality
    • Schedule implementation tasks to achieve the resolution
    • Acquire the necessary equipment.

Take action!

Even though there are only a couple of months left for this year, a lot can still be done. Just think how good you’ll feel when 1 January comes around again and you’ve actually started to make your resolutions come true.

To make it easier and force you to commit, get a friend involved or join a club. A club will have invaluable knowledge regarding the type of equipment you need and a few new friendly faces will be around when the going gets tough.

Go and make your resolutions come true!