Left-handers are generally more intelligent, better looking, imaginative and multi-talented than right-handers – based on discussions among members of the Left-handers Club!
There is no definite reason why some people are left-handed. According to statistics, 10% of the population is left-handed and it is thought to be partially genetic. Researchers have also found evidence that environmental factors – especially stress – in the womb may have an influence on handedness. Babies born to older mothers or to mothers who were exposed to unusually high levels of stress during pregnancy are more likely to be left-handed as are those babies with a low birth weight.
Effects of brain dominance
The workings of the brain are complex: the brain is cross-wired, meaning that the left side of the brain controls the right-handed side of the body and the right side of the brain the left-handed side. In other words, hand dominance is connected with brain dominance on the opposite side. The left side of the brain (right-hand control) controls speech, language, writing, logic, mathematics and science. This is called the Linear Thinking Mode. The right side of the brain (left-hand control) controls music, art, creativity, perception, emotions and genius. This is called the Holistic Thinking Mode.
Although there is on average no difference in IQ between right- and left-handed people, left-handed brain dominance makes left-handers more likely to be creative and visual thinkers than right-handers. This is supported by statistics showing higher percentages of left-handers than normal in certain jobs and professions, such as music and the arts. Left-handers are also generally better at 3-dimensional perception and thinking.
Facts about left-handedness
- Left-handers are usually good at most ball sports and things involving hand-to-eye coordination
- The perception that left-handers are clumsy and awkward is often the result of being forced to use right-handed tools and machinery which is completely back-to-front for them
- Despite popular (mis)perceptions, left-handers aren’t more accident prone than right-handers and don’t tend to die at a younger age
- Left-handedness has been linked to increased risk of psychiatric and developmental disorders like schizophrenia, dyslexia and ADHD. Mixed-handedness is even more strongly associated with ADHD.
International Left-handers Day
International Left-handers Day was launched on 13 August 1992 by the Left-handers Club. This event is now celebrated worldwide and has contributed more than anything else to the general awareness of the difficulties and frustrations left-handers experience in everyday life. The event has successfully led to improved product design for left-handers.