Each woman is different but there are some things that practically every woman likes. Mother’s Day in May is the ideal time to spoil your mum. It gives you an opportunity to show your appreciation for the person who brought you into the world, who nursed you, not only literally as babies, but throughout your life.

Not only did she shower you with love, it expanded and intensified towards your own children when they were born. Often at this stage in a mother’s life she is alone, widowed or divorced and life is not easy for her. Although you may want to make it up to her and “reward” her by giving expensive and lavish gifts, it’s often the little things in life that make her feel special and appreciated. Flowers and chocolate remain favourites, but why not go for one of these options this year?

Massage. Treat your mother to a hands, feet or head massage at her (or your) favourite beauty salon. There are few things so relaxing as a massage and women don’t often treat themselves to one of these.

Movies or theatre. Sometimes it’s just so wonderful to escape into the world of imagination. A feel-good movie or theatre production will contribute to any mother’s special day.

Special time. Spend some time with our mother. So often when you visit, the children (her grandchildren) get more attention than she. Just focusing on her for a change may make her feel special.

Magazines. Speciality magazines abound these days. Subscribe your mother to one on her favourite subject or hobby. This way you make Mother’s Day last all year.

A whole day off. Do your mum’s chores for a whole day and send her off to go shopping, daydreaming at her favourite nursery and/or browsing the library or CD shop . This one will be especially appreciated by mums who lead busy lives.

A mother’s love is one of the most powerful forces in this world. Return some of it by making her feel appreciated. If your own mother is deceased, why not adopt a lonely mother of someone else for the day? Just think of the amazing joy that you can bring to this woman!


Women’s Life.