Most of us are familiar with the food group guidelines in the form of a pyramid. It was introduced in 1992 and updated in 2005 by the US Department of Agriculture. However, new research and knowledge have led to the development of other methods.

My Plate

Since 2011 the US Department of Agriculture has rolled out a programme called My Plate. My Plate resembles a plate divided into four slightly different sized quadrants, with fruits and vegetables taking up half the space, and grains and protein making up the other half.

USDA’s Food Pyramid and MyPlate

Developments at Harvard

According to nutritionists at Harvard University, the pyramid did not reflect the latest findings regarding nutrition and health problems, there was not enough differentiation within the groups (notably protein and fat) and the recommended quantities did not specify minimums and maximums. The result was the development of pyramids for specific groups of people such as vegetarians.

For the general public, a new pyramid, called the Healthy Eating Pyramid, was developed by the Harvard School of Public Health. This pyramid includes calcium and multi-vitamin supplements as well as moderate amounts of alcohol. There is also a plate version of this guideline.

Harvard’s Healthy Eating Pyramid and Healthy Eating Plate

Other developments

The Healthy Eating Pyramid of Harvard was also criticised as it did not distinguish between healthy and unhealthy oils, whole-grain foods were given more priority than vegetables, etc. This led to other pyramids including one from the University of Michigan Integrative Medicine, called the Healing Foods Pyramid. This pyramid emphasizes plant-based choices, variety and balance. It includes sections for seasonings and water as well as healthy fats.

Michigan’s Healthy Foods Pyramid

Ongoing debate

It is clear that the debate about food groups and healthy eating is still on-going. As new research findings become available, no doubt that pyramids and plates will keep changing.

Don’t let this confuse you. The main thing is to:

    • Eat more plant foods, including fruits, vegetables and whole grains
    • Choose lean protein from a variety of sources
    • Limit sweets and salt
    • Control portion sizes
    • Be physically active.

If you really want to see how your eating habits compare to a food plate or pyramid, keep a diary of all the food and drink you consume for a week and then compare this to the plate or pyramid. If you find that your diet differs considerably, you can make small changes, one at a time, thus gradually adapting until your diet can be classified as a healthy one.

