Organically grown food has become immensely popular over the last decades. Consumers now know about the many pesticides and other harmful substances that are used to grow and raise non organic food and animals.

Demystifying organic food

Organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy products come from animals that are given no antibiotics or growth hormones. Organic crops are produced without having to use conventional pesticides, fertilisers or bio-engineering.

What makes organic food better than non-organic food?

In the case of crops and fruits, the growing demand for more food led to the use of pesticides to control disease and insect attacks and increase food production. On average, non-organic fruit is treated with more than 20 pesticides!

Since nearly all non-organically produced foods contain residues of pesticides, fertilisers and other chemicals, the only way to avoid them is to buy organic foods. In fact, studies have shown that children who maintain conventional diets have more pesticides in their bodies than those who eat organic foods. Some experts believe that these pesticides may lead to obstruction of normal neurological development.

Where livestock is concerned, antibiotics and growth hormones are used on conventionally grown farm animals in order to increase meat and milk production. These substances pass from the dairy products and meat we eat, into our bodies. This use of antibiotics may be one of the causes of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria.

Other benefits of organic foods include the following:

    • Organic food is rich in vitamins, minerals and fibre and often retains their levels of nutrients for much longer than non-organic foods
    • Organic foods often taste better
    • Consumers of organic food often have more resistance to disease as they have higher levels of essential nutrients to fight off infections
    • Consumers of organic food often have more energy due to lower levels of toxins and chemicals that slow their bodies down
    • Organic farms respect water resources and make sure they are not polluted.

Are organic foods really healthier and worth the cost?

This is a question that more and more consumers say “yes” to every day. Organic foods are more expensive to grow than conventional foods, leading to higher prices in the grocery stores. Even though the choice for organic foods may cost more, consumers are buying the reassurance that they’re making a better decision for their own and their family’s health.

However, a 2012 study by the Stanford University School of Medicine, claiming that organic food is not necessarily healthier than non-organically grown food, has ignited quite a storm.

Organic food experts leapt to the defence. Here are some of their arguments:

    • It was a meta-study, meaning no direct research was done and conclusions were reached based on very old previous studies
    • Even though it may be possible that some organic foods may not exceed some conventional foods in mineral content, it is far superior in taste
    • Environmental friendly organic farming and production methods help protect the environment and leave a much smaller carbon footprint
    • Eating organic food lowers the total intake of pesticides that people, especially children are exposed to anyway
    • Although both organic and conventional produce and animal products have the same risk of being contaminated with pathogenic bacteria, those from organic food is mostly not of the multi-drug resistant type
    • The hormones and other substances added to non-organic meat and milk are suspected of enhancing puberty at an earlier age.


If you are able to afford it, buy and eat organically!


Boatman, L. The organic food debate: “Interpret with caution”. Retrieved from:
Study says organic isn’t healthier? Here’s why it still may be worth the cost. 2012. Retrieved from: