You just cannot figure out why at the end of almost every month you have so little money left. There must be a way to live more comfortably!
Do you find that at the end of each month you have almost no money left? Here are a few money saving tips that could help you to make this problem a thing of the past.
How you can save more money every month
- You and your partner should discuss your financial situation and should work out a budget plan that works for both of you
- When you have worked out a budget plan, stick to it. However, it should be reviewed regularly and adjusted as circumstances change
- In addition to budgeting for food, rent or mortgage payments and telephone bills, etc, each spouse should have a certain amount that he or she can spend as he or she pleases
- Shop together for groceries. This way both partners will know what things cost. Make a list of all the groceries you need and take it along. This will help you to buy what is necessary and fewer of the things you want but don’t need
- Remember that drawing money from the ATM adds up. Every time you use an ATM a service fee is charged. Limit your visits to the ATM
- Instead of buying food from the cafeteria at work, prepare your own healthy lunchbox
- Limit your fuel expenses. Try to incorporate as many trips as possible into one
- Limit your energy consumption. Switch off all electrical appliances that are not being used and use low-energy bulbs.