Companies promote teamwork in the workplace to make the maximum use of their manpower – working in teams increases the productivity of individuals and decreases the non-productive hours. This is important if targets and commitments are to be met.

However, working in teams does not only benefit companies – you, as an employee, also benefit.

Employee benefits

    • You tend to learn things at a faster rate when working with a team. The experience and knowledge of the older team members help you to grasp new concepts quickly and avoid making mistakes.
    • Working in a team distributes the workload enabling you to concentrate on a single activity until you become an expert.
    • Continuous interaction with the other team members helps you to build a bond of friendship and unity.
    • The suggestions and advice of your team members can help you to generate new ideas and become more creative.
    • Working in a team will improve your performance and make your work more enjoyable. You’ll also be motivated by a little healthy competition.
    • With many people handling a single project, each doing his or her job properly, the work will be completed well in time, removing a lot of stress from your shoulders.

What makes a good team?

Effective teamwork is not something that is quick and easy to establish. Each member needs to communicate and listen properly. Remember, “there’s no I in team”; for teams to be effective, individuals need to put their personal feelings aside and focus on the good of the group. Nobody’s job in a team is less important as everyone contributes to the overall success. However, allocating roles, that is knowing what each person’s strengths are and how you can use these for the good of the group, will help your team to function successfully. Plan what you intend to do and be prepared to take the blame as a group as well as the credit.