Life-long learning, or LLL, refers to all the learning experiences we encounter in life. This is both formal and informal learning, and it includes the attitudes, behaviours, abilities, interests, skills and knowledge we acquire as we navigate our way through life.

LLL is not about studying towards degrees or doing one course after the other. It is not about earning the paperwork. It encompasses the way we are changed and bettered while we live, work and engage with other people. It is those things we take away from a job, from travel, from volunteering, from studies, from our interests and from engaging with others.

Emotional benefits of LLL

    • Personal satisfaction – as you witness what you can achieve and use this as motivation in achieving your goals
    • Self-fulfilment – as you gain knowledge of yourself and are able to reach your full potential
    • Self-development – as you develop or even discover your innate, natural abilities
    • Enlightenment – as you are exposed to different points of view, situations and experiences
    • Boost to self-esteem – as you accept and overcome challenges and expand your horizons.

Practical benefits of LLL

    • Adaptability – as you learn new skills that help you to keep up with an ever-changing society and help you to find your place in the world
    • Career flexibility – as you learn new skills and abilities that can open doors
    • Possibility of higher income – as you acquire new skills and abilities that make promotions possible or easier
    • Keeping the mind active – as you use your intellect and keep the brain trained
    • Social interaction – as you interact with new people and even discover people who share your interests and points of view.

Embracing a philosophy of life-long learning can clearly yield many benefits. Opportunities for LLL are legion and usually easier to access than you would think. Clubs, community centres, local colleges, the office HR department, even a search online, are good places to start.




Lifelong learning.
Lifelong learning.