Recognising workplace bullying

The general view of the bully is of someone picking on someone smaller or weaker on the school playground. We seem to forget that playground bullies grow up and sometimes do not stop harassing and tormenting other people – also in the workplace.

Workplace bullying is destructive behaviour that can make work life a misery. The victims feel powerless to stop it and may unwittingly play into the hands of the bully.

What is workplace bullying?

Workplace bullying occurs when one employee harasses, oppresses or intimidates another at work. The bullying behaviour can be physical, verbal, emotional, or a combination of all three. Experts say bullying causes the bully to feel that he or she has control and is able to dominate. It is almost like a form of workplace psychological warfare.

Bullying is a major source of stress. Being bullied causes people to feel under pressure, under threat, humiliated and vulnerable and can lead to self-doubt and feelings of inferiority. It has the potential to be emotionally very damaging.

Office bullying almost always centres around work competency and occurs as a series of small incidents rather than a single incident of abuse. This makes it very hard to recognise the behaviour.

Recognise some typical bullying behaviour

  • Impossible scheduling or goal-setting
  • Very close scrutiny and supervision of work
  • Yelling and shouting
  • Humiliation in others’ presence
  • Social isolation
  • Constant criticism
  • Remembering work errors and mistakes
  • Swearing or use of offensive language
  • Denying access to information
  • Uncredited work
  • Unjustified warnings
  • Excessive faultfinding
  • Abuse of power

If you are aware of workplace bullying, you are strongly advised to contact our Employee Wellbeing Programme (EAP). Call us on the EAP number or email us at
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as soon as possible.