They spent their health to get their wealth and then with might and main, they turned about and spent their wealth to get their health again (Author Unknown).

Don’t let this be the picture of your life.

Work is a necessity and good feelings from work can be good for your health, yet stress in the workplace can cause all sorts of problems. Feeling out of control, overscheduled, or unable to control the important things at work can promote depression, anxiety, and poor health.

Imagine how nice it would be to work in a stress-free environment. Why not try these ten tips to help you minimise office stress?

    • Improve your time management and organisation skills: Create a to-do list that works, learn to say “no”, ask for help when you need it, and stop setting unrealistic goals for yourself.
    • Relax and breathe deeply: When you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount or work you have to do or when someone is really getting on your nerves, try breathing through your nose.
    • Take more breaks from your work: Try getting away from your desk for at least five minutes every hour. Go for a walk (outside is best), though up and down two flights of stairs is good too. Or just take a lap around the office cubicles.
    • Get more exercise: Getting more exercise in general helps reduce your overall stress levels.
    • Lighten up. Smile more. Laugh more: Don’t be so uptight! We all know that laughter reduces stress. You will be amazed at how much more pleasant the people around you are when you make an effort to be pleasant yourself.
    • Promote social interaction: You and your colleagues will feel much less stress in the workplace if you have the opportunity to get to know each other. If you’re a manager, plan activities for everyone in your team to interact, or encourage lunch activities.
    • Find ways to reduce your workload: Share your workload with others, delegate difficult tasks, ask for more time off or agree to cut down on work hours. Overworked employees are one of the number one causes of stress in the workplace. If you can’t afford to cut down on work hours, get creative. Find ways to become more productive by using different equipment or organisational systems.
    • Learn to listen better: Don’t get so upset when others disagree with you. Try to listen what the others are saying and find areas where you do agree. Be assertive and stand up for yourself, but don’t be rigid.
    • Don’t sweat the small stuff: Realise there are some things that just aren’t worth worrying about and there are some things you just can’t change. Don’t waste time complaining about these things.
    • Get more sleep: This will have benefits in all aspects of your life, at home and at the office. It will also increase your energy levels and ability to concentrate.

Our Employee Wellbeing Programme (EAP) is available 24 hours a day if you want to know more about the link between health and happiness.