In today’s stressful, fast-paced world, many people find it hard to really wind down once their work day has ended. Instead of coming home to relax, they fill up every waking hour with extra activities in order to keep the whirlwind going. The result is anxiety attacks, depression, heart attacks and insomnia. These same people end up taking sleeping pills to help them sleep at night when all they may need is to learn how to de-stress after work.
Stress is internal, which explains why it can wreak havoc on your health. The easiest way to mitigate its effect is to take charge of the one and only thing you have the power to control – yourself, and let go of what you can’t control. It is easier said than done, but try the following ten easy ways to de-stress after work:
Heal yourself
The most effective steps you can take are the simplest, namely: exercise, a healthy diet, regular sleep, moderate to minimal alcohol intake, and no smoking. This is the most sophisticated, up to the minute, cutting edge solutions available!
Set boundaries
Boundaries act as a filter to keep you safe from the hurtful behaviour of others while allowing the love, support and nurturing actions we all need to enter. Set your boundaries by: (a) determining what others cannot do to you or in your presence; and (b) sharing this information respectfully with anyone who is stepping over one of your boundaries.
Take time for yourself
Put together a list of all the things you love to do but haven’t regularly made time to do. Put your list in priority order and enter the top five to seven items into your daily calendar. Your list may include things as simple as journaling, reading a great book, taking a bubble bath, etc. You’ll be more successful getting to these activities when you give them a time and place on your calendar.
Positive thinking
Remember always that what you say and what you tell yourself impact the present and create your future. Love yourself and use the power of positive thinking, meaningful words, pleasing thoughts and affirming beliefs to live the life you want to live.
Work in a career you love
If you’re like most people, you spend the majority of your waking hours at work. You’ll know you’re in the right profession when you wake up anxious to go to work, you try to do your best every day, and you regard your work as important. Find the job you like and you’ll never work again!
Surround yourself with a supportive community
You are who you spend time with. Hang out with people who love and accept you just the way you are, are interested in you (and not in what you can do for them), lift you up, solve problems quickly, don’t gossip or complain, and know how to have fun. Anything is possible with the right support.
Learn to say “No”
We’ve all been influenced by people in our lives who tell us we should do this or we ought to do that. As a result, we may end up living a life that others have decided for us versus living the life we want. So, the next time you think of something you ought to do or someone else suggests you should do, take a breath and ask yourself if it’s something you want to do. If not, just say “no”. When you say “no” to things you don’t care to do, you are saying “yes” to you and this will free up your time and energy for the things you choose to do. The bottom line is that you will be happier.
Find a low energy activity that you can enjoy
A low energy activity will help you to take your mind’s focus off every day worries. This activity can vary for each individual. Some suggested activities are cooking your favourite meal and watching your favourite movie. Whichever activity you choose, just make sure it is something peaceful that you can really enjoy. Remember that this should mostly be an activity done alone.
Turn off any distractions before you start on your road of relaxing
Cell phones, computers and televisions provide constant stimulation and a connection to the outside world. These devices can keep you from being able to forget about everyday hustle and can stop you from having time to yourself.
Arrange for a babysitter
If you come home to a house with children, then arranging for a babysitter to help look after them will allow for a little time to yourself.
Our Employee Wellbeing Programme (EWP) is available 24 hours a day if you want to know more about stress management.