There is a close link between education at home and education at school. Where parents and teachers work together to help a child grow, the chances of that child becoming the best person he or she can be become a reality. On the other hand, problem children are often the result of disinterested parents and inadequate or deficient school education.

A parent is legally required to provide food, clothing, shelter and medical care for his or her child. A parents duty to support a child ends when the child is no longer a minor (at age 18), the child gets married, the child leaves the parent’s home and becomes self-sufficient, or the parent’s parental rights are legally terminated. A divorced parent”s duty of support may be specified in a divorce decree. A parent has a legal duty to provide an education for his or her child. In most cases, this means the parent must pay the child’s educational expenses until the child graduates from high school or ceases to be a minor.

Read more about how you can assist and support your child at home and at school by reading the articles listed below on this Website:

    • How to fulfil your basic duties as a parent
    • How to encourage academic growth
    • How to communicate effectively and cooperate with the school
    • How to develop positive attitudes and motivation for learning (introduction)

Our Employee Wellbeing Programme (EAP) is available 24 hours if you want to discuss your support for your child.