Who doesn’t want to stay and look eternally young? Unfortunately the beauty products that claim to make us look younger are usually exorbitantly expensive. There is, however, an alternative …
Eternally young
The search for eternal youth has fascinated both men and women for centuries. It has resulted in a rapidly expanding multi-billion (in some cases trillion) dollar or rand beauty industry that focuses solely on overcoming the effects of ageing. Unfortunately, not everybody can afford these beauty products – but there is a DIY alternative.
How to look (at least) ten years younger
Here are five DIY home remedies and applications that will help you look and feel years younger.
1. Delay skin ageing
It is common knowledge that having and keeping a glowing, youthful-looking skin entails keeping it clean, well moisturised, fed and protected against free radicals. Free radicals accelerate the ageing process and help cause wrinkles, fine lines, sagging skin and other beauty woes. Here’s how:
- Use honey, a good source of antioxidants, to help protect your skin from cell damage caused by free radicals. Make a face mask with raw honey and avocado pulp or mix one teaspoon each of lemon juice with honey and massage it into your skin. Wash off with warm water after 10 to 20 minutes. Do be careful if you have a very sensitive skin as lemons can cause irritation and redness. Mashed papaya flesh also makes an excellent face mask as does raw coconut milk.
- Rose water has an astringent action and in combination with three to four drops of glycerine and half a teaspoon of lemon juice will clean, tighten and moisturise your skin.
- Keep your skin clean by wiping it with the left-over water after soaking some rice in cold water or after cooking the rice and letting the water cool down. Asian women swear by it.
- Apply undiluted lemon juice or coconut oil to age spots on your hands. Aloe Vera juice or a few drops of gel from the plant will also help bleach unsightly, brown age spots.
2. Rejuvenate your crown of glory
There’s nothing like shiny, glossy hair to anti-age your look. Dull, dry hair or fast thinning hair is a dreaded age-related beauty woe that can be combatted. Try the following home remedies:
- A mixture of one tablespoon of honey and one of raw onion juice massaged into the scalp and left for 30 minutes is said to help prevent hair loss.
- A combination of ½ cup of honey mixed with ¼ cup of extra-virgin olive oil, slightly heated and applied to your hair will act as a powerful conditioner for dry, damaged hair.
3. Flash those pearly whites
Yellow teeth age the face like nothing else. Whiten them by:
- Swishing a tablespoon of coconut oil around in your mouth for 10 to 15 minutes. Don’t gargle and watch where you spit; it can clog your drains.
- Mixing ½ a cup of coconut oil with two tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda and 15 to 20 drops of peppermint, spearmint or cinnamon essential oil to make your own toothpaste. You can also use bicarb mixed with fresh lemon juice or just with plain water.
4. Straighten up
Poor posture and sagging muscles are dead giveaways of declining age, vim and vigour. So, stand up straight and follow Plato’s home remedy of ages past. He said: “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.” Oscar-winning actress, Dame Helen Mirren, who at age 71 still looks fabulous in a bikini, admits that rigorously following a set exercise plan and getting plenty of sleep helps her look ten years younger.
5. Stay young at heart
To stay young at heart means to love life, laugh a lot and embrace change. Stress and worry can make anybody look old so let go of the things in life that you cannot change. Follow renowned actress Sophia Loren’s advice and discover her anti-ageing fountain of youth. She said: “It is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. When you learn to tap this source, you will truly have defeated age.”
Amazing benefits of honey for hair and skin. Retrieved from: http://www.top10homeremedies.com
Bright, S. Various articles. Retrieved from: http://www.naturallivingideas.comhome-
Brown, E. 10 natural home remedies to look younger than your age. Retrieved from: http://vkool.com
Celebrity anti ageing secrets. Retrieved from: http://www.womanandhomemagazine.co.za
Quotes about youthful beauty. Retrieved from: https://www.quotemaster.org
They said coconut oil was great for you but this is what they didn’t tell you. Retrieved from: http://www.zippla.net