Many hours of fun can be had while playing video games. Some games even build decision-making skills, educate and provide a general feeling of well-being.
Unfortunately, many gamers are tempted to escape reality and become so immersed in their games that they need proper treatment and care to recover from a video game addiction.
Video games are designed to become addictive! They are just challenging enough to keep you coming back for more but not so hard that you eventually give up. Success often feels just out of reach. Many experts contend that video game addiction is similar to compulsive disorders such as gambling, drug and sex addictions.
Types of video addictions
- Standard video games played by a single player involve a clear goal or mission, such as rescuing a princess. The addiction relates to completing that mission, or beating a high score or pre-set standard.
- Online multiplayer games are especially addictive because they generally have no ending. Gamers enjoy creating and temporarily becoming an online character and often build relationships with other online players as an escape from reality. For some, this community may be where they feel most accepted.
Symptoms of video game addiction
- Playing in secret or lying about how long you’ve been playing
- Neglecting work, school or family obligations in favour of gaming
- Mulling over video games when engrossed in other activities
- Craving more and more time at the computer
- Using games to escape from reality
- Experiencing mood disorders such as anxiety or depression
- Having hormonal disturbances from sleep deprivation
- Losing interest in other activities and hobbies
- Feeling restless, irritable or empty when unable to play
- Isolating yourself from others to spend more time gaming
- Feeling tired most of the time
- Having migraines due to intense concentration or eye strain
- Experiencing carpal tunnel syndrome or “video gamer’s thumb” (tendonitis and swelling) caused by the overuse of a controller or mouse
- Skipping showers and meals to play.
Video game addiction can be just as dangerous as other addictions and should be treated as such. Treatments include:
- Twelve-step programmes
- Medications to inhibit addictive behaviour
- Limiting game time to a specific duration per day so that the remaining hours can still be used for other activities
- Counselling and behaviour modification.
- Cognitive behavioural therapy. The therapy allows you to shift your thoughts, replacing those that lead to compulsive gaming with healthier thinking patterns.
Contact your doctor to refer you to one of the many gaming addiction treatment centres.