It is heart breaking to see poverty all around you when you are living in comfort. At the same time, you feel helpless because you can’t give to everybody and probably can’t give enough to make a difference.

However, there are ways to increase your contribution to the cause without affecting your own lifestyle and, perhaps most importantly, to give wisely to ensure that your contribution is maximised:

    • Become aware of how you spend money and what you spend it on. Instead of buying that fourth Frappuccino of the week, consider scaling down and donating what you would have spent to a worthy cause.
    • Investigate charities online before you donate money to them. Find a reputable charity that targets an area or a group of people that you feel you have a connection with.
    • Distribute used clothes, household items or food to individuals in need. If you prefer, you can take them to charities, such as churches, that offer to distribute these goods.
    • Buy from businesses that support local trade or who offer to donate a portion of their revenue to nonprofit organisations.
    • Support the workers in your service as best you can and make yourself aware of their needs. Donate unwanted items to them or their families if they need them.
    • Volunteer your time at your charity of choice or at the local soup kitchen. Even if you do not have spare cash there is still plenty you can do to help.
    • Offer to teach life skills to underprivileged communities. If you have the time, you can teach adults to read and write, or young mothers-to-be on how to care for a baby or to cook for a family.
    • Contact local community groups, charities or churches and offer your expertise to teach a useful trade to the unemployed. Useful skills, such as sewing, knitting, house washing and painting, or vegetable gardening can eventually generate income and lead to sustainable living.

Whether you are able to contribute time, money or items, you can make a difference in someone’s life.

