The end of the year heralds the season to be jolly, yet for most people it also means extra pressure with exams, the end-of-year at work and a busy family life as the year winds down. The constant pressure keeps your body pumping adrenalin, causing tension and anxiety that leaves you feeling tired and on edge. Eating and drinking the right foods can help to prevent your grey matter from turning into “scrambled eggs”.

One: Eat for sustained energy

Different foods are digested, absorbed and converted to energy at different rates. Sugars are quickly broken down and absorbed, but this energy wears off as quickly as it appears. Complex carbohydrates take longer to break down, and this leads to a slow, steady release of energy over time. This sustained energy is what you should aim for, especially in times of stress.

Good food sources for sustained energy are whole grains, porridge oats, fibre-rich cereals, muesli, bran, brown rice, corn, beans, lentils, potatoes and other root vegetables.

Carbohydrates also help to absorb tryptophan, a substance that is converted into serotonin in the brain and helps you to think clearly.

Protein is digested and broken down into amino acids that feed the brain and help you to be alert and think clearly. Good sources of protein are eggs, dairy products, whole grains, nuts, green leafy vegetables and dried beans.

Two: Keep hydrated

It is a little known fact that stress can result in a subtle form of dehydration. Summer heat will aggravate this. So drink lots and lots of water, at least around 2 litres a day. Keep a bottle of water handy at all times, also in the exam room if you can.

Three: Eat breakfast

Breakfast remains the most important meal of the day. A breakfast that combines slow release carbohydrates with protein is best when you are under pressure. Keep the protein lean to prevent feeling queasy. A serving of fruit can be added for a healthy breakfast.